Union Bank and Trust Branches In Omaha, NE

Union Bank and Trust operates 2 banking locations in Omaha, Nebraska. There are no other branches of Union Bank and Trust in neighbourhood locations within a radius of 10 miles. For more results, you can use our search tool or click "Nebraska" from the top menu for a list of all branches.

The locations of Union Bank and Trust offices in Omaha are displayed on the map below. For a complete list of all branches, including addresses, hours of operation, contact numbers, and routing information, please refer to the section below. Detailed information on each branch is accessible by clicking on the branch name.

Map Of Union Bank and Trust Locations In Omaha

List of Branches In & Around Omaha

Bank Information
Bank Company:Union Bank and Trust
Bank Type:FED Non-member Bank
FDIC Insurance:Certificate #13421
Routing Number:104910795
Online Banking:ubt.com
Total Branches:32 Offices
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