The First Bank and Trust Company Ratings

- Bank Name:The First Bank and Trust Company
- Locations:27 Branches in 3 states
The First Bank and Trust Company Reviews & Complaints
Submit your review, comment or complaint about The First Bank and Trust Company.
Whether you had an exceptional experience with The First Bank and Trust Company or the bank didn't meet your needs, please share your feedback, compliments, or complaints so that the bank can better serve you. Please do not include any sensitive data on this form such as credit card number, SSN, etc. For direct or private messages please use the offical website of The First Bank and Trust Company.
I frequently use this company's atm and pay the fee with no complaint because I do not bank there. Specifically the one in Norton Virginia down on Park Ave. Today just like any other day I go use the ATM pay my fee and get my money but the machine messes up and keeps my card. Luckily a teller had not left yet and I go to the window she says we could come back in the morning and get it. After that she ask if it is a First bank and trust card and I advised no I do online banking with another bank and she says your alls policy is to shred any card that is not First bank and trust! I did no see a warning about this anywhere and if this is not allowed why pay a fee? Not only have you got money from me any time I use your ATM but not I am being punished for not being a customer! It is going to be two weeks on me getting another one and I don't have a branch I can walk into and get money. In areas like this a lot of us live check to check and every little bit is important. That is my gas money for work. My grocery money! I want to know why this is a practice of this company! I would also like contact information to talk to someone higher up! If anyone on this thread or an Admin has that information or authority I would greatly appreciate it. After seeing that this is how you treat people I would NEVER bring my business here!! This is very childish and its as if you are a bully on a playground saying well you didn't play with us yesterday so that means you aren't allowed access to the monkey bars. THIS IS NOT OK!!!
This Bank is wonderful to work with!! Any problems just ask! It won't be a problem long!! I really like the friendly people!!
My name is Melinda Yancey. My lfie and our entire family's lives have been forever negatively impacted by our misfortune and malice relationship with The First Bank & Trust Company's Forest, Virginia branch.
In August 2012, I came to First Bank's Forest, Virginia's employee with an exceedingly time factored and detailed credti request. The response that I recevied soon thereafter, to include my husband was nothing short but continued misrepresentations and multiple lending law and regulation violations that at the time I was unaware was transpiring throughout August 2012, through January 11, 2013.
You see, at the time, my husband and I were moving forward in repairing and recouping our financail lives after many years of adversity and hardships. The relationship and how it expired is confirmation that despite our proven accomplishments, we were not consumers then customers of First Bank's respect. Our credit had remained blemished due to the mitigating factors that had defined us during our years of adverstiy and hardships being ones of self-employment for many years prior.
All of our investment being in the construction profession was in the personal dwelling that Jay and I had invested so much of our hard-work, sweat-equity and personal income in an affort to secure our financial future and such equity implemented by our home that had under full construction with the sale proceeds from the sale of our prior home and our many, many hours, days, and months of investing our sweat-equity anywhere we could.
On January 11, 2013, First Bank created a "Deed of Trust" against our personal dwelling without ever allowing us to complete and submit an application for 5 full months, while creating not one but two applications on two different dates, however, dating the applications as being prepared months earlier back on September 11, 2012, without our knowledge.
First Bank's Loan Officer, kept valuable information from us at all times, placing other First Bank customer's ahead of the bank's "duty of care" that was owed to Jay and I at all times which was a time-factored credti decesion both by my personal request and by both Federal and State Lending Law and Regulations.
And, one may ask, what did First Bank keep stringing us along for five months when our financail status was not favorable to First Bank at the time, the answer the equity that Jay and I have built in not one personal dwelling but by August 2012, three.
By January 2013, the impact upon us by First Bank's neglignet lending acts and practices became apparent, trapping us in a loan with First Bank that we were never able to escape despite my continued efforts up until January 2017.
By December 2014, our loan with First Bank, while holding a security interest by First Bank had yet to be converted into a mortgage. The bank loan officer wanted to mortgage all of his added cost to the loan as a result of his continued negligence in lending acts and practices with Jay and I 2 1/2 years prior.
Lending acts and practices clearly as result of the Loan Officer's attempts to keep the result of his negligent lending acts and practices with us from the knowledge of First Bank's executive management, because this loan officer's conduct made no logical financial sense for either us or the bank.
By January 2015, we had taken all the financail damages and abuse possible and I contacted First Bank's President and CEO William Hayter in an attempt to address these year long issues. My response was no response and despite my continued efforts right up to writing this reveiw, Mr. Hayter would not even know Jay nor I should he pass us on the streets in any town.
In December 2014, we fell behind in our monthly interest payment for multiple factors but none that could not have been avoided if only First Bank considered us as the customers that this bank's CEO protrays to treat all its bank customers and accordingly to my credit request as early as August 2012.
First Bank's loan officer between January 2015, thru March 2015, offering us loan modications that was proven to have only benefited the bank and implemented solely to cover up the results of the Loan Officer's lending conduct. Thus, as no benefit to Jay and I only digging us deeper and deeper into the hole that we had not been able to escape during the prior two years, this is when we began fighting back.
This relationship as it stands today, has made numerous determinations in many asepcts and areas of State-Chartered Bank lending today. I have been labled as one of high respect in my continued efforts to reveal what truly can transpires in such relationships.
July 2015, as First Bank had implemented large amounts of late fees against our home's security requiring us to pay such malice and illegal amounts to save our home from the bank's intentions as of May 2015, to foreclose on our home, however, I continued to fight the battle which will soon be further published in an internet blog.