TBK Bank Ratings

- Bank Name:TBK Bank
- Locations:63 Branches in 6 states
TBK Bank Reviews & Complaints
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Whether you had an exceptional experience with TBK Bank or the bank didn't meet your needs, please share your feedback, compliments, or complaints so that the bank can better serve you. Please do not include any sensitive data on this form such as credit card number, SSN, etc. For direct or private messages please use the offical website of TBK Bank.
TBK has zero ethics ! The staff STEALS and upper management is fine with that. They have a worthless fraud protection dept. The Fraud prevention dept is grossly negligent and super lazy. We ended up in a BS court hearing because we are suing them for their crappy staff stealing from us. Because we dared to call out these gross thieving staff members on the crimes they did commit, their nasty lawyer brought a BS case against US, because they just can't face a civil case brought by us, due to the fact that they will lose. This arrogant lawyer just wanted to show off her lawyering "wizardry." She really thought she was amazing ! lol. Break it down to : Their hogwart lawyer should bring her ego down to the reality that she is just a loophole finder, for loser criminals, who are too cowardly to face up to the crimes they DID commit ! TBK hired this horrid thieving staff so they should own up to it and do the right thing for your customers ! But TBK is content being a low rated, unethical, criminal bank. It will be joyous when these low life thieves close this business up. And believe me, they will close the business up. The staff has a narcissism, self important problem.
What a nightmare this horrid bank is. Anyone that reads this, I hope you do not make the same mistake we did. We banked at this horrible bank for many years, and learned the hard way that TBK is not a customer oriented business. The staff steals, and a lot. They are entitled and obviously have never been held accountable for anything. They have put us through a living nightmare because they are so mad we caught them stealing. The manager is such a phony and has an agenda that does not include anyone but herself. They are the most ridiculous, and evil people I have ever met. Don't let them do the same to you. They do complete account takeovers and lie about your account to your face, which in itself shows the lack of character they definitely own. Their upper management is the worst. They don't care if their staff steals. Actually they reward their thieves. I am wondering if stealing is in their training manual. They are disgusting. Don't ever put one dime in that bank. They promoted the manager and felt the need to send us, their victims, the notice of this promotion, just to rub it in to us that they stole and we better not say anything about it. They have humiliated us, played the pathetic victim (they truly are pathetic) and victim shamed. They find it extremely important to steal, as they really worked very hard to form their cover up. They work harder to steal then to just do their job the right way. But when upper management encourages stealing, covers for them, and gives them promotions, just for some gleeful cruelty towards their victims, I guess low ethics will run rampant in the business. We are actually thrilled that they have coddled and kept their thieves. It ensures that TBK Bank will be out of business, sooner than not, and that will be a good thing. The staff will close them up with their selfish greed, and lack of any kind of heart or soul. The sad thing is that there will be devastated victims, and ruined lives in their wake. Stay clear.
I am wondering why TBK is open on Veterans Day we are suppose to honor our Veterans I am a veteran and that was very upsetting to know your the only bank in LA Junta CO open all the other banks are closed, City of LA Junta and County offices are closed even the Federal Government is closed this is the first your bank is open it is not right
How about this TBK management... when your customer comes to you about their funds being stolen by the staff YOU hired and subjected us to, you do the right thing. I have never been treated so awful. Staff stole my husbands funds through various techniques. We approached management, and they took the cowardly way out. They ignored us totally, threw and cease and desist on us because they did not want to answer the questions we had. TBK has ruined so much for us. The only thing we did wrong, was to be their customer.
This is the most corrupt, dishonest, crappy bank ever. In Bayfield CO and Durango CO there are thieves working at the TBK Bank branches there. They work with area thieves and have quite the game going. They lie, cheat and steal. Management with this horrid bank ignores the customers who have grievances. I think its because the stealing goes up the ladder. This company is unethical, has the worst customer service skills I have ever seen. The thieves are rude to the customers they steal from. The whole organization is really a nightmare. If you dont want to get ripped off, do not use this horrid bank. And especially in Durango CO where Lacy Craig is the manager and major theif. Bayfield CO branch Olivia Logsdon is the lying stealing sack of crap. They both are liars as well. This was the worst experience and I will sing this crappy banks unpraises at every chance I get. As far as the ducks, Lacy and Olivia, I guess their karma comes every time they look in the mirror. They are about the ugliest monsters anyone has seen. Linda Jackson tricked me into thinking she cared, while back stabbing me in such a ruthless unethical way. The bad goes all the way to the top and back down to the bottom of the barrel where scum like Lacy and Olivia dangle. Avoid this nightmare company altogether. I promise you , you will regret using them. They dont care at all that their employees steal and lie. That says all you need to know about this badly rated bank. They suck.
Always friendly service and welcoming. Easy access to ATM and drive-up services. Accommodating hours of operation for most customers.
This letter addresses the discrinatory practices that TBK committed against their customers Roger and Diana Gomez through and by TBK associated EMPLOYEES, VP's Kristin Martin and recently seperated employee David Galli. We are requesting a full investigation and reimbursement of penalties and exorbitant fees forced upon us by continued threat of foreclosure and expensive foebearances.
Evidence of TBK financial abuse and banking discrination are as follows
1. We have asked for an official audit of our three TBK mortgage accounts numerous times over the past 3 years only to be ignored by VP Dave Galli, VP Kristin Martin and Crystal Howard.
2. We have asked why TBK has never notified us of irregularities in reference to our mortgage accounts that could have been easily cured at the time of each occurrence.
3. TBK's failure to explain and discuss banking terms that we were unfamiliar with and then penalized for not understanding the full negative implications of said terms as noted but not limited to: forced placed insurance, forbearance, escrow, Adjusted Rate Mortgage, and Fixed Rate for example.
4. TBK's Refusal to explain or discuss why we were placed on interested payments without our verbal acknowledgement or understanding of the implications. The only explanation given was "you asked for the lowest monthly payment so that's why we put you in the new loan that you signed. We were not provided with an explanation as to what we were signing as they came to our home for our signature and then rushed back to the bank. The problem: We were foolish enough to trust them that were they doing what was in our best interest.
5. After never missing a payment, except for a covid-19 exception as our tenant had trouble paying rent. We paid all that back. Our reward, an increase of 1.5% to 7.5%. without explanation even though we asked VP Kristin Martin, (the primary abuser) repeatedly.
6. We have gone out of our way to show good faith by depositing $30,000.00 in a TBK BANK. When I brought that to her attention VP Martin remarked "good now we can secure the forbearance in case you decide not to pay."
7. When I tried to get an explanation as to why we were penalized a 1.5% interest increase to 7
.5% after never missing a payment VP Martin stated "if I want I can charge yoy 12%" I believe these types of comments are denigrating in nature and racist and discrinnatiry in her intent. I can't believe VP Martin treats her non white customers in the same manner. We feel we are being singled out and treatedl differently.
8. We even tried flowering Ms. Martin with praise and platitudes to lighten her continued mean spirited spirited behavior towards us. I informed her that wle deposited another $61,000.00 in a TBK checking and savings account to show our sincerity to move forward. She refused to recognize those gestures as well.
9. If you review VP Martin's initial forbearance estimate proposal that she decided to escalate her original legal fees from 425.00 for the forbearance structure to $1,000.00 on each acc
Just spoke with Carolyn today about checks, she was very nice and helpful ! Thank you Carolyn !!
Why don't you have online banking help on Saturdays
was with FNB 44 yrs TBK needs to step up to their legacy customers... online needs rework!
It would be very nice if TBK could have phone assistance later than 5 PM...
I'm moving to a new bank. Truly and honestly THIS BANK SUCKS!
I have been banking at the First National Bank in Durango for over 30 years. Recently TBK acquired First. The transition and its failures are now the talk of the town. What a disaster! You had better figure out how to roll up your sleeves and care for your clients fast or you will have no clients left!
Always personable and helpful