First Hawaiian Bank Ratings

- Bank Name:First Hawaiian Bank
- Locations:44 Branches in Hawaii
First Hawaiian Bank Reviews & Complaints
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Was at FHB Lihue Branch this afternoon to make a deposit. The teller declined to take my deposit without an ID because $200.00 (YES-TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS) CASH was with my deposit. When asked why-teller says FHB needs to know who is making the deposit because of the cash. I asked to talk to a manager. Leanne, the customer service manager said-it is the bank's policy-Really? I expected a better explanation from a manager than "it is bank policy". I understand cash deposit over $10,000.00 or $3,000.00 or more but Two Hundred Dollars? It seems FHB is tracking down people who are using cash. This is the most bizarre banking experience I ever had in 40 years! Customers beware! I will rate this bank 0 stars if there was such an option.
Been to Kapiolani branch this morning to talk to a FHB agent in regards to seizing my last paycheck without my consent, u bananaz so lucky i had direct deposit? But, u guyz supposed 2 protect our money not take it away? Like vultures waiting till we slip! Why & what do u gain from punishing us $30 everytime a loyal client slips his memory of his balance! "How come u dont stop our spending w/c.card if your balance iz zero? Oh, den u cant take peoples hard urned pennies! Its not that u need da money, your a bank! Stop! Pleaze! Its "senseless & so wrong & so ashamed that all banks that proclaims dis kine ov robbery of poor & struggling innacent humans! How can u go on in life knowing u bananaz can steal from us! I wish 2 god i did'nt have direct deposit! Den, how can FHB charge u $30 from your income checks? U guyz go bankrupt! Imagine nobody ovadrafting & nobody haz direct deposit! Wow! Did i just break da banks "wicked schemes" to survive in dis-industry! Demanded automatically in yo-soul iz 2 protect us & our money - not do da opposite & prosecute us 4 letting us keep spending w/our c.Card knowing u can take their more $30 at each time using yo-c.card! "Thats so evil" on any bank dat does dis hitler's trickery? Da whistle-blower figured it out? Basically, you bananaz stealing my last income checks 4 feeding my son & nieces stomucks!
Apparently you need an attorney, not just a power of attorney to make changes to a disabled persons account. My daughter's father was classified as a quadriplegic and signed a power of attorney so I could conduct his business. Kate at the Kapahulu branch asked me if there was anything from the hospital and I gave her a copy of a letter from his social worker. Truly could have been forged. Kate said it superseded the power of attorney even though it waS from a month prior. Kate told me that I would have to hire an attorney to conduct business for him. She said he would have to come to the bank. HE HAS BEEN IN THE HOSPITAL FOR ALMOST THREE MONTHS AND CAN'T GO TO THE BANK. I would never recommend this bank to anyone. THEY DO NOT FOLLOW LEGAL PROTOCOL.
While I was on the mainland, FHB debited my rent payment twice. That took my account into overdraft. Customer Service didn't know what to do. It took 24 hours to correct, and I had to borrow a friend's credit card to make ends meet. About a week later, I received a letter from FHB notifying me of that overdraft and giving me a "courtesy credit" for not charging a fee for the "overdraft" and warning me that FHB would charge the next time. I received a second letter to the same effect about 5 days later. Next, I found an unauthorized charge to the Sioux Falls branch for Citibank. When I called Customer Service, I waited 21 minutes on hold. When the representative heard my concern, she routed me to the correct Department, then came back online and told me to expect a call within 24-48 hours. I'm sure glad that charge wasn't for more than my balance. When I tried on enroll in online banking, the system wouldn't let me through. Same deal. So, I either have to wait for 2 days or find another bank. I think I'll go with the latter option. I'm surprised that this bank gets any good reviews at all.