Bank Branches In Troy, Ohio
There are currently 13 branches of 11 different banks in Troy, OH.
Fifth Third Bank has the most branches in Troy. The top 5 banks in Troy by branch count are; Fifth Third Bank with 2 offices, Greenville Federal with 2 offices, Mutual Federal Savings Bank with 1 office, Union Savings Bank with 1 office and Greenville National Bank with 1 office.
Below, you can find the list of all Troy branches. Click on the list or map below to view location hours, phone numbers, driving directions, customer reviews and available banking services.
Map of Bank Locations In Troy
List of Troy Banks
1011 West Main Street, 45373
825 W. Market Street, 45373
1851 West Main Street, 45373
635 South Market Street, 45373
1091 South Dorset, 45373
948 N Market St, 45373
846 W. Main Street, 45373
1280 Experiment Farm Rd, 45373
1867 West Main Street, 45373
1314 W Main Street, 45373
10 South Dorset Road, 45373
14 S Weston Rd, 45373
910 West Main Street, 45373
I have been with Minster Bank for 5 years. Would like to say the Troy Branch is absolutely amazing. The tellers are ...
Excellent Bank -- Customer service is excellent......