Bank Branches In Sterling Heights, Michigan
There are currently 29 branches of 10 different banks in Sterling Heights, MI.
Comerica Bank has the most branches in Sterling Heights. The top 5 banks in Sterling Heights by branch count are; Comerica Bank with 6 offices, Flagstar Bank with 4 offices, Chase Bank with 4 offices, Huntington Bank with 4 offices and Citizens Bank with 3 offices.
Below, you can find the list of all Sterling Heights branches. Click on the list or map below to view location hours, phone numbers, driving directions, customer reviews and available banking services.
Map of Bank Locations In Sterling Heights
List of Sterling Heights Banks
40950 Van Dyke Avenue, 48313
39100 Dequindre, 48310
44100 Schoenherr Road, 48313
13999 Lakeside Circle, 48313
5601 Metropolitan Parkway, 48310
33051 Schoenherr Road, 48312
40880 Dequindre, 48310
36836 Van Dyke Avenue, 48312
2225 18 Mile Road, 48314
2270 16 Mile Road, 48310
1915 Fourteen Mile Road East, 48310
13655 Fifteen Mile Road, 48312
36910 Van Dyke Road, 48312
1955 Eighteen Mile Road, 48314
43020 Van Dyke Road, 48314
4200 17 Mile Road, 48310
11555 Sixteen Mile Road, 48312
41122 Ryan Road, 48314
43683 Schoenherr Road, 48313
2032 19 Mile Road, 48314
44691 Mound Road, 48314
13427 15 Mile Road, 48312
43850 Schoenherr Road, 48313
37070 Mound Road, 48310
44500 Van Dyke Road, 48314
2229 Metropolitan Parkway, 48310
40770 Dequindre Road, 48310
8202 Metropolitan Parkway, 48312
44698 Mound Road, 48314
This is an excellent, well-managed branch. Shout out to Kristin for all of her help in our family's banking needs....
Is Marie at your branch going to call me of a issue I have with a withdrawal I made yesterday???...