Bank Branches In Princeton, West Virginia
There are currently 10 branches of 7 different banks in Princeton, WV.
New Peoples Bank has the most branches in Princeton. The top 5 banks in Princeton by branch count are; New Peoples Bank with 2 offices, Burke & Herbert Bank with 2 offices, First Community Bank with 2 offices, First Sentinel Bank with 1 office and MCNB Bank and Trust Co. with 1 office.
Below, you can find the list of all Princeton branches. Click on the list or map below to view location hours, phone numbers, driving directions, customer reviews and available banking services.
Map of Bank Locations In Princeton
List of Princeton Banks
1223 Stafford Drive, 24740
145 Springhaven Drive, 24740
191 Greasy Ridge Road, 24739
1102 Oakvale Road, 24740
1 Stafford Commons, 24740
329 Ingleside Road, 24739
322 South Walker Street, 24740
1221 Stafford Drive, 24740
180 Lyle Way, 24740
1309 Stafford Drive, 24740
With out a doubt this is the hardest bank for me to deal with, no other bank is this hard for me to get to my accoun...
My Mom (Helga Helton) banks with Summit Community Bank at 1223 Stafford Drive. She asks me to occasionally run a dep...