Bank Branches In Newnan, Georgia
There are currently 21 branches of 14 different banks in Newnan, GA.
Truist Bank has the most branches in Newnan. The top 5 banks in Newnan by branch count are; Truist Bank with 2 offices, Regions Bank with 2 offices, Ameris Bank with 2 offices, United Bank with 2 offices and Synovus Bank with 2 offices.
Below, you can find the list of all Newnan branches. Click on the list or map below to view location hours, phone numbers, driving directions, customer reviews and available banking services.
Map of Bank Locations In Newnan
List of Newnan Banks
102 Newnan Crossing Bypass, 30265
10 Baynard Park, 30265
60 Bullsboro Road, 30263
10 Glenda Trace, 30265
16 E Broad St, 30263
1175 Bullsboro Drive, 30265
2904 Sharpsburg Mccullum Road, 30265
3111 Highway 34 E., 30265
40 Bullsboro Drive, 30263
20 Oak Hill Blvd, 30265
145 Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard, 30263
3130 Highway 34 East, 30265
110 Jefferson Street, 30263
190 Glenda Trace, 30265
295 Bullsboro Drive, 30263
61 Bullsboro Drive, 30263
2245 Highway 34 East, 30265
71 Bullsboro Drive, 30263
1725 Newnan Crossing Boulevard, East, 30265
2 Amlajack Boulevard, 30265
1025 Bullsboro Drive, 30265
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