Bank Branches In Newburgh, Indiana

There are currently 10 branches of 9 different banks in Newburgh, IN.

Peoples Trust and Savings Bank has the most branches in Newburgh. The top 5 banks in Newburgh by branch count are; Peoples Trust and Savings Bank with 2 offices, First Federal Savings Bank with 1 office, United Fidelity Bank with 1 office, German American Bank with 1 office and Old National Bank with 1 office.

Below, you can find the list of all Newburgh branches. Click on the list or map below to view location hours, phone numbers, driving directions, customer reviews and available banking services.

Map of Bank Locations In Newburgh

List of Newburgh Banks

Banterra Bank
Banterra Bank
Federal Reserve Non-member Bank
3811 Haley Drive, 47630
Fifth Third Bank
Fifth Third Bank
National Bank
8422 Bell Oaks Road, 47630
First Federal Savings Bank
First Federal Savings Bank
Federal Reserve Non-member Bank
8388 Bell Oaks Drive, 47630
German American Bank
German American Bank
Federal Reserve Non-member Bank
8477 Bell Oaks Drive, 47630
LNB Community Bank
LNB Community Bank
Federal Reserve Non-member Bank
1204 West Highway 662, 47630
Old National Bank
Old National Bank
National Bank
8577 Ruffian Lane, 47630
Peoples Trust and Savings Bank
Peoples Trust and Savings Bank
Federal Reserve Non-member Bank
7199 Parker Drive, 47630
705 State Street, 47630
United Fidelity Bank
United Fidelity Bank
State Savings Bank
8533 Bell Oaks Drive, 47630
8599 High Pointe Drive, 47630
Cities & Towns Near Newburgh
7 miles away - 1 office of 1 bank
9.2 miles away - 46 offices of 13 banks
10.2 miles away - 4 offices of 4 banks
12.6 miles away - 11 offices of 8 banks
12.9 miles away - 1 office of 1 bank
15.1 miles away - 0 office of 0 bank
18.4 miles away - 1 office of 1 bank
19.9 miles away - 3 offices of 3 banks
Reviews & Complaints
Sherry Farmer
Sherry Farmer · 27 June 2022

They wont answer my phone call. Every day must be a day off for them....

James Cameron
James Cameron · 23 May 2022

They won't return phone calls I have left messages and nothing....

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