Bank Branches In Greenwood, South Carolina
There are currently 12 branches of 7 different banks in Greenwood, SC.
Countybank has the most branches in Greenwood. The top 5 banks in Greenwood by branch count are; Countybank with 4 offices, Wells Fargo Bank with 2 offices, SouthState Bank with 2 offices, The Commercial Bank with 1 office and First Citizens Bank with 1 office.
Below, you can find the list of all Greenwood branches. Click on the list or map below to view location hours, phone numbers, driving directions, customer reviews and available banking services.
Map of Bank Locations In Greenwood
List of Greenwood Banks
419 Main Street, 29646
583 Highway 72 By-Pass NW, 29646
1230 Reynolds Avenue, 29649
425 Main Street, 29646
518 South Main Street, 29646
537 Bypass 72 NW, 29649
109 Montague Street, 29649
1224 Bypass 72 Ne, 29649
701 Montague Avenue, 29649
345 Bypass 72 Nw, 29649
105 North Main Street, 29646
508 Bypass 72 Nw, 29649
Extremely nice people at the bank. They always take care of my needs when I go there. It's inside Walmart. What more...