Bank Branches In Charlottesville, Virginia
There are currently 41 branches of 15 different banks in Charlottesville, VA.
Truist Bank has the most branches in Charlottesville. The top 5 banks in Charlottesville by branch count are; Truist Bank with 6 offices, Bank of America with 5 offices, Wells Fargo Bank with 5 offices, Virginia National Bank with 4 offices and Atlantic Union Bank with 3 offices.
Below, you can find the list of all Charlottesville branches. Click on the list or map below to view location hours, phone numbers, driving directions, customer reviews and available banking services.
Map of Bank Locations In Charlottesville
List of Charlottesville Banks
410 Gander Drive, 22901
1658 State Farm Boulevard, 22911
2151 Barracks Road, 22903
1505 Putt Putt Place, 22901
1619 University Avenue, 22903
1205 Long Street, 22901
2103 Barracks Road, 22903
180 McCormick Rd, 22904
250 Pantops Mountain Road, 22911
225 Merchant Walk Ave, 22902
550 Water Street, 22902
1807 Seminole Trail, 22901
800 Gardens Boulevard, 22901
1330 Parham Circle, 22902
300 Preston Avenue, 22902
1415 University Avenue, 22903
100 Riverbend Dr., 22911
304 East Main Street, 22902
3920 Lenox Avnue, 22901
2101 Dominion Drive, 22901
2013 Abbey Road, 22911
2208 Ivoy Road, 22903
95 Community Street, 22911
630 Peter Jefferson Parkway, Suite 190, 22911
142 Hansen Rd, 22911
2117 Ivy Road, 22903
1201 Emmett Street N, 22903
1425 Seminole Trail, 22901
550 Radford Ln, 22903
305 East Jefferson Street, 22902
1265 Seminole Trail, 22901
100 Fifth Street Southeast, 22902
404 People Place, 22911
222 East Main Street, 22902
1900 Arlington Blvd., 22903
301 East Water Street, 22902
1420 Rolkin Ct, 22911
3490 Seminole Trail, 22911
1625 Seminole Trail, 22901
123 E. Main Street, 22902
901 Emmet Street, 22903