Bank Branches In Cedar Lake, Indiana

There are currently 3 branches of 3 different banks in Cedar Lake, Indiana.

Centier Bank has the most branches in Cedar Lake. The top banks in Cedar Lake with most branches are; Centier Bank with 1 office, DeMotte State Bank with 1 office and Peoples Bank with 1 office.

We have also located 19 bank offices in nearby cities within a radius of 6 miles from the city center of Cedar Lake.

You can click the branch names from the list or the map below to view office hours, phone numbers, driving directions, bank ratings, reviews and available banking services.

Map of Bank Locations In Cedar Lake

List of Cedar Lake Banks

Centier Bank
Centier Bank
Federal Reserve Non-member Bank
9728 West 133rd Avenue, 46303
DeMotte State Bank
DeMotte State Bank
Federal Reserve Member Bank
10119 W 133rd Ave, 46303
Peoples Bank
Peoples Bank
Federal Reserve Non-member Bank
10201 133rd Avenue, 46303

Banks In Nearby Cities & Towns

Chase Bank Crown Point - 5.3 miles away
115 South Court Street, Suite B, Crown Point, 46307
1100 North Main, Crown Point, 46307
155 N. Main Street, Crown Point, 46307
936 North Main Street, Crown Point, 46307
310 East Joliet Street, Crown Point, 46307
1501 South Court Street, Crown Point, 46307
117 East Joliet Street, Crown Point, 46307
855 Stillwater Parkway, Crown Point, 46307
1351 East South Street, Crown Point, 46307
Chase Bank Lowell - 5.2 miles away
651 East Commercial Avenue, Lowell, 46356
Centier Bank Lowell - 5.7 miles away
1914 East Commercial Avenue, Lowell, 46356
DeMotte State Bank Lowell - 5.5 miles away
1615 East Commercial Avenue, Lowell, 46356
Chase Bank Saint John - 5.7 miles away
9600 Wicker Ave, Saint John, 46373
9800 Wicker Avenue, Saint John, 46373
9805 Wicker Ave, Saint John, 46373
BMO Bank Saint John - 5.5 miles away
9770 Wicker Avenue, Saint John, 46373
Peoples Bank Saint John - 5.3 miles away
9903 Wicker Avenue, Saint John, 46373
10865 Parrish Avenue, Saint John, 46373
Centier Bank Saint John - 5.6 miles away
9621 Wicker Avenue, Saint John, 46373
Cities & Towns Near Cedar Lake
5.2 miles away - 3 offices of 3 banks
5.3 miles away - 17 offices of 12 banks
6.1 miles away - 8 offices of 8 banks
7.9 miles away - 7 offices of 7 banks
9.5 miles away - 2 offices of 2 banks
9.9 miles away - 9 offices of 9 banks
9.9 miles away - 12 offices of 10 banks
10.8 miles away - 1 office of 1 bank
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