Bank Branches In Albemarle, North Carolina
There are currently 10 branches of 7 different banks in Albemarle, NC.
Uwharrie Bank has the most branches in Albemarle. The top 5 banks in Albemarle by branch count are; Uwharrie Bank with 3 offices, First Bank with 2 offices, Pinnacle Bank with 1 office, Truist Bank with 1 office and Wells Fargo Bank with 1 office.
Below, you can find the list of all Albemarle branches. Click on the list or map below to view location hours, phone numbers, driving directions, customer reviews and available banking services.
Map of Bank Locations In Albemarle
List of Albemarle Banks
1910 East Main Street, 28001
2317 Highway 52 North, 28001
352 North First Street, 28001
103 North Second Street, 28001
185 North First Street, 28001
167 North Second Street, 28001
710 North First Street, 28001
800 Highway 24-27 Bypass, 28001
200 E Main St, 28001
781 Leonard Avenue, 28001
Done, done, and DONE with this bank. I just closed my campaign finance account today and I'll be closing the other t...
I have paid on my mortgage for 15 years on a 15 year loan. I am down to my last year and I have made extra payments ...
Michelle du Bois and Kari Eudy in the Mortgage Department of the Albemarle location are absolutely fantastic! My hus...